Publications and Media
- "What changes did Grassy Narrows First Nation make to federalism and other doctrines?", by HW Roger Townshend, (2017) 95 Can Bar Rev 459.
- "Northern Gateway Approval Quashed", OKT Blog, July 6, 2016
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2015 (Toronto: Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd., 2015)
- “Keewatin Decision – Analysis and Likely Impact” conference presentation in Aboriginal Law: Practice Primers and Contemporary Developments 2015, The Commons Institute.
- “Keewatin Decision – The Implications and Interaction with Tsilhqot’in Nation” conference presentation in Aboriginal Law Forum, Insight Information, 2014.
- “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2014 (Toronto: Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd., 2014)
- “The Duty to Consult and Accommodate Aboriginal Peoples: A Primer for Ontario Surveyors Working in Resources Development” (with Michael McClurg), in (2014) 68 Geomatica 15.
- "Aboriginal provisions in new Ontario provincial policy statement about land use planning", OKT Blog, February 28, 2014
- Presentation (with M. McClurg)“Mining Act surveys and the Duty to Consult and Accommodate Aboriginal Peoples”, November 22, 2013, First Annual Boundary Law Conference (Guelph).
- Presentation (web broadcast), “Recent and Upcoming Aboriginal Law Decisions by the Supreme Court of Canada”, Supreme Court and Constitutional Litigation, The Commons Institute, 2013.
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2013 (Toronto: Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd., 2013)
- Presentation, “Aboriginal Title to the Beds of Water Bodies”, Indigenous Bar Association Conference, 2012 (Winnipeg).
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2012 (Toronto: Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd., 2012)
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2011 (Toronto: Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd., 2011)
- Presentation, “Can Euro-Canadian Law and Indigenous Law Find Common Ground?”, Diversity, Culture and Contrasts: Canada’s Legal Kaleidoscope Conference (Kingston: Joint Study Institute, 2010).
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2010 (Toronto: Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd., 2010)
- Roger Townshend, “Can Native Sovereignty Coexist with Canadian Sovereignty”, in M. Charlton & P. Barker, eds., Crosscurrents: Contemporary Political Issues, 6th ed., (Scarborough: Nelson, 2009).
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2008 (Toronto: Thomson Canada Ltd., 2008).
- Presentation, “The Recognition of Aboriginal Harvesting Customs”, February 5, 2008, Moving forward, sideways and backward: reflections on Aboriginal Law in 2007 Conference – Ontario Bar Association (Toronto).
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2007 (Toronto: Thomson Canada Ltd., 2007).
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2006 (Toronto: Thomson Canada Ltd., 2006).
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2005 (Toronto: Thomson Canada Ltd., 2005).
- Presentation, “Forced to Defend the Core of Their Identity: Aboriginal Land Rights Litigation”, November 15-16, 2004, 3rd Annual Aboriginal Law Forum, Insight Information Co. (Toronto).
- Roger Townshend, “Recent Developments of Importance [in Aboriginal Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2004 (Toronto: Silrun Information Services Ltd., 2004).
- Roger Townshend (with L. Land), “Land Claims: Stuck in Never-never Land” in J. Bird, L. Land & M. MacAdam, eds., Nation to Nation: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada (new ed.) (Toronto: Irwin Publishing, 2002).
- Roger Townshend, “Important Developments in 2000 [in First Nations Law]” in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2001 (Toronto: Silrun Information Services Ltd., 2001).
- Roger Townshend (with J. Olthuis), “First Nations: Recent Case Law and Developments of Importance”, in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 1998 (Toronto: Silrun Information Services, 1998).
- Roger Townshend, (with M.J. Huberman), “Legal Limits on Drug Testing” in The Drug Testing Controversy: Imperial Oil and Other Lessons (Toronto: Carswell, 1997).
- Roger Townshend (with J. Olthuis), “Is Canada’s Thumb on the Scales: An Analysis of Canada’s Comprehensive and Specific Claims Policies and Suggested Alternatives” in For Seven Generations: An Information Legacy of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Ottawa: Libraxus, 1997) (CD-Rom format).
- Roger Townshend, “First Nations and Municipalities”, in Aboriginal Issues Today (Vancouver: Self Counsel Press, 1997).
- Roger Townshend, Case Annotation on Gibbs v. Grand Bend (1996), 49 R.P.R. (2d) 159.
- Roger Townshend (with M.J. Huberman), “New Developments in Drug and Alcohol Law” in What’s New in the Workplace: A Labour Law Update, (Toronto: Law Society of Upper Canada, 1995).
- Roger Townshend, “Some Highlights of the Interaction of Aboriginal Law and Municipal Law” in Aboriginal Law: Issues that Matter in the 1990s, (Toronto: Canadian Bar Association – Ontario, 1995).
- Roger Townshend (with J. Olthuis), “The Case for Native Sovereignty”, in M. Charlton & P. Barker, eds., Crosscurrents: Contemporary Political Issues, (Scarborough: Nelson, 1994).
- Roger Townshend, Submission to the Attorney General of Ontario re: An Act to Revise the Limitations Act (Chairman of committee which prepared submission) (Toronto: Canadian Bar Association – Ontario, 1993).
- Roger Townshend, “Specific Claims Policy: Too Little Too Late”, in J. Bird & D. Engelstad, eds., Nation to Nation, Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada (Toronto: Stoddart/Anansi, 1992).
- Roger Townshend, “Resorting to Court: Can the Judiciary Deliver Justice for First Nations”, (with Patrick Macklem) in J. Bird & D. Engelstad, eds., Nation to Nation, Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada (Toronto: Stoddart/Anansi, 1992).
- Roger Townshend, “Interlocutory Injunctions in Aboriginal Rights Cases”, [1991] 3 Canadian Native Law Reporter, pp. 1-21.
- Roger Townshend, “The Silver Creek Surrenders of 1892 and 1898” (1989) 5:2 Native Studies Review 128.
- Roger Townshend, “Political Change Strategy: A Case Study” (May-June 1988) 11:5 Catalyst 12.
- Roger Townshend, “We Should Learn From Rules For Kings” (March 1987) 10:4 Catalyst 6.
- Roger Townshend, “Special News Report” (December 1984) 4:2 Seeds 34.
- Roger Townshend, “Ten Years to Five Hundred” (poem) (December 1984) 4:2 Seeds 25.
- Roger Townshend, “A Debt to be Paid: Treaty Land Entitlement in Manitoba” (Winnipeg: Treaty & Aboriginal Rights Research Centre, 1984), 24 pp.
- Roger Townshend, “A Sketch History of Land Dealings With Indian People of Manitoba” (September 1983) 3:1 Seeds 31.
- Roger Townshend, Book Review of The National Report of the People’s Food Commission, (September, 1983) 3:1 Seeds 32.
- Roger Townshend, “Communism and Capitalism: One Spectre with Two Cloaks” (June 1983) 2:4 Seeds 28.
- Roger Townshend, “Violence, Corporations & Lifestyle” (December 1982) 2:2 Seeds 14.
- Roger Townshend, “Native Rights: Even The Meagre Terms Have Not Been Fulfilled” (April 19, 1982) 12:8 Mennonite Reporter 10.
- Roger Townshend, Book Review of Power to Choose: Canada’s Energy Options (March 1982) 4:5 Catalyst 30.
- Roger Townshend, “Roseau Arena Built Without Tax Money”, Red River Valley Echo, March 17, 1982, p. 1.
- Roger Townshend, “Roseau Hosts British Lord”, Red River Valley Echo, October 28, 1981, p. 1.
- Roger Townshend, Book Review of We are Métis (June 1981) 4:2 Catalyst 27.
- Roger Townshend, “Partners in Justice” (January 1981) 1:2 Seeds 4.
- Roger Townshend, “Uncontrolled Northern Development Menaces Native Self-Determination” (April 1980) 3:1 Catalyst 15.
- Roger Townshend, “See-Saw in the Nation’s Capital”, Calvinist Contact, January 25, 1980.
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Northern Gateway Approval Quashed
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Aboriginal provisions in new Ontario provincial policy statement about land use planning
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Ontario has adopted a new Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) governing land use planning. For the first time, the PPS…
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