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After strenuously considering pre-tournament preparations and a rigorous training schedule, OKT golfers Matt McPherson and Jesse McCormick decided to place their trust in fate and pursue the glory of a well played scramble solely on the basis of steadfast determination and pure natural talent. The skies threatened an angry day of rain and thunder early in the morning of the 5th Annual Charity Nawash Golf Tournament but eventually gave way to one of the most beautiful golf days that the Bruce Peninsula has ever seen.
With the quiet confidence and composed swagger of an elder statesman, rookie golfer Matt McPherson fearlessly approached every shot with what could only be described as a hero’s grace. As if guided by some greater force, his shots flew long and true to the fairways and greens of the Cobble Beach Golf Resort. Never one for grand standing and consistent in his modesty, Matt brought focus and inspiration to the team with encouraging words and calm control on even the most challenging of holes. His efforts combined with the formidable and consistent contributions of Bruno Rochon (inforware tech genius extraordinaire), Shawn Batise (executive director of the Wabun Tribal Council and experienced golf guru) and Jesse McCormick (no crash cart driver and long ball specialist) led the OKT team to a respectable 5 under finish.
Local favourite Jake Linklaker adorned in an electric blue golf uniform and two bright white golf gloves held the highly sought after position of playing immediately after the OKT team. He wisely used the opportunity to acquire many pointers for his own game by watching the OKT team in action and was able to catapult his team to a top ten finish.
While the first place prize went to home team captains, Chief Randall Kahgee, Chief Scott Lee, Regional Chief Angus Toulouse and renowned ringer Gary Leeman, top honours of the day were reserved for our friend and respected leader, the late Chief Akiwenzie who was remembered with kind words and entertaining stories. With the exception of few insubordinate putts and a couple of recalcitrant chips, the day was a complete success and good times were had by all.
By Jesse McCormick
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