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OKT LLP is delighted to have two new faces in our offices for the summer.
Kaitlin Ritchie joins us as a summer student. She’s a member of Chapleau Cree First Nation and has just finished her first year at Osgoode Hall Law School. She’ll be working on various matters, including assisting OKT Partner Bryce Edwards on our Chapleau Cree First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement files.
Promise Holmes-Skinner has started her placement as a June Callwood Fellow, sponsored by the University of Toronto Law School. Promise will be working with OKT partners Lorraine Land and Maggie Wente, and in conjunction with our clients the Saugeen Ojibway Nations, on a research project about the “true costs” of consultation on First Nations who have to bear the expense of consultation with the Crown and proponents. As our clients know all too well, self-funding consultation has real financial and social impacts for First Nations communities. We are sure that Promise’s work will contribute positively to the discourse about Crown and proponent obligations to fund consultation costs.
By Maggie Wente
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